Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Novel Idea

It's happened! It's finally happened!

What's happened, you ask? I've finally come up with a novel horror idea. As in, an idea that's both novel and worthy to be novel length.

For some, this is no big deal. However, I've only done horror shorts, and wondered if the "bigger" ideas weren't for me.

Well, no more. I have a fine idea and it'll make a good novel. At least, in my opinion and, until it's all done, mine is the only one that matters.

I'm all a-flutter and ready to get going. However, there's some research that must be done and perhaps even a little mapping out of where the story will head and so forth. And I can hardly wait to do it all.

I have promised my short stories that they won't be ignored. However, my new mistress calls to me and I must answer. Coming, dear...

Watching you from under your bed,
J.C. Koch

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Heavy Sigh

Alas and alack, I blogged too soon. It turns out that my story has to be bumped from the February issue of Arkham Tales to the May one.

BUT...there's a good reason. Ads came in last minute. I can respect that -- a paying market has to have the ways and means to pay, after all.

And, you know, you can help. Arkham Tales accepts donations -- think of it as a very inexpensive submission to some nifty horror fiction, as well as supporting someone brave enough to start a new paying ezine in this economy.

So, take a look at February's issue. Read, enjoy, shiver. Maybe donate a little money. Offer to advertise if you have a business that could fit (we're educated readers, horror aficionados -- and, you know, we buy things, too). And then, wait patiently (or not so, depending) for the May issue, when THEN 'Road Rage' by yours truly will see the light of day, or the dark of night, or some such.

Watching you while holding out a donations can,
J.C. Koch

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Beside Myself

The chills run up and down my back and I am indeed beside myself. No really, just sitting here, cut in half, side by side.

One half is writing this blog. The other half is gazing lovingly at the galley proofs from Arkham Tales ( of my first sold short story ("Road Rage"). The proofs do indeed look lovely, perfect, even.

The first issue of Arkham Tales has been live since December, but if you haven't read it yet, go take a read. 'My' issue will be coming later this month. You should definitely read that one. Cover to electronic cover.

Now, off to stroke my beautiful galleys and work on more horribly wonderful stories boiling in my brain. Since it's Super Bowl Sunday, I'm thinking of my own version of the Bud Bowl -- zombies versus ghouls, with creatures of horror beyond description for the referees. (I know, I know, that's the definition of any ref, anywhere.)

Watching you from the pages of Arkham Tales,
J.C. Koch

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