Sunday, February 1, 2009

Beside Myself

The chills run up and down my back and I am indeed beside myself. No really, just sitting here, cut in half, side by side.

One half is writing this blog. The other half is gazing lovingly at the galley proofs from Arkham Tales ( of my first sold short story ("Road Rage"). The proofs do indeed look lovely, perfect, even.

The first issue of Arkham Tales has been live since December, but if you haven't read it yet, go take a read. 'My' issue will be coming later this month. You should definitely read that one. Cover to electronic cover.

Now, off to stroke my beautiful galleys and work on more horribly wonderful stories boiling in my brain. Since it's Super Bowl Sunday, I'm thinking of my own version of the Bud Bowl -- zombies versus ghouls, with creatures of horror beyond description for the referees. (I know, I know, that's the definition of any ref, anywhere.)

Watching you from the pages of Arkham Tales,
J.C. Koch

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Anonymous WKEverhart said...

Congrats on the story. As for the Super Bowl, I'm not a football fan. When one of the NFL teams decides to pay my mortgage, I'll become a fan. Until then, I'd rather watch the 'Ghost Hunters' marathon on SCIFI.

Did you hear what happened in Austin? Something you could appreciate. Hackers tapped into the the roadside signs. Instead of "congestion ahead", the signs read "zombies ahead." Imagine driving home after a couple of drinks and seeing ZOMBIE WARNING flashing beside the road!

February 2, 2009 at 6:56 AM  

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