Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm Nice In Person...Really...


Well, really, it's late afternoon at the moment. But I'm a horror writer. To me, it's always dark somewhere.

To date, I've only written short horror fiction, but I'm toying with the idea of doing a horror novel. It's daunting when you know you'll be up against the masters like Dean Koontz and Stephen King. But, I'm willing to work hard and give it a try.

However, right now, short stories are where it's at for me. My first paid horror sale was to Arkham Tales. As soon as I know a release date, my blog and blog readers (hi, Mom!) will be the first to know.

Like all horror writers, I do feel the need to protest that I'm charming and pleasant in person, a good person to have at a party, and not at all weird and creepy like my stories. My spouse says this is up for interpretation.

So, welcome to my author's blog. I hope to scare you and make you think along the way...but if all I do is entertain you, then my work is done.

Watching you from under your bed,
J.C. Koch

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

There isn't room for you under my bed. There are too many dust bunnies. Horror is not my thing, but welcome to the blogosphere.


December 20, 2008 at 9:08 PM  
Anonymous WKEverhart said...

Greetings and good luck with the writing. I'm a little skittish when it comes to reading horror. PET CEMETERY scared me so much, I couldn't look at the book jacket so I buried it under a cushion on my sofa. I've always wondered how Mrs. Stephen King felt when her husband rubbed against her in the night and whispered in her ear, "Sweetheart, I've got a fantasy." Pause for thought. :D

December 21, 2008 at 6:57 AM  
Anonymous Gini Koch said...

Thanks, Mary. And, well, I'll just slip a little story under there and it'll eat up those dust bunnies for you.

And turn them into drooling, flesh-eating rabbits or something. But I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


December 24, 2008 at 8:02 PM  
Anonymous Gini Koch said...

Hi W.K., and thanks! I'd imagine Tabitha King feels like my spouse -- suspicious.

And, I aspire to Stephen King level, but I know I'm not there yet. But we all can dream, right?


December 24, 2008 at 8:04 PM  

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